Contact Us By Mail, Email, or Blog Post:
Lee Shaver, Publisher
The Single Shot Exchange
P.O. Box 391
Lamar, MO 64759
Ph/Fax: (803) 628-5326
We moved our publishing offices from York, SC to Lamar, MO in 2012. Please note, however, the phone/fax number and the website address remain unchanged.
We’re glad you stopped by for a visit and hope you’ll enjoy browsing our site. Before you do, I’d like to take a moment of your time to introduce myself.
Over the years I have written a number of articles for The Single Shot Exchange Magazine (SSE), a reader-written publication founded in 1991 by Brett Boyd. As publisher of the SSE, I continue to write articles which draw on my diverse interests and skills as a gunsmith, competitive shooter and amateur historian.
My interest in black powder rifles began in the early 1960s. My father being an old-time rifle crank, instilled in me from a young age a love for vintage rifles. At eight years old, I killed my first squirrel with a muzzle-loader; a year later, I became the proud owner of an original percussion .32 caliber rifle that my father and I rebuilt in his machine shop. Today I work on the rifles I love and am devoted to achieving the utmost accuracy from them. To this end, I specialize in black powder cartridge rifles and accessories and am pleased that Shaver rifles have set NRA and World Championship records.
Just as I write from the perspective of my background, so do those who contribute articles to our magazine, presenting their expertise and experience in areas of interest and specialization that I know will appeal to you.
Whether you are a novice or experienced shooter, you can count on a “take away” each month—enjoyable reading and useful information about the sport we love.
We invite you to join our growing community of like-minded vintage firearms enthusiasts by subscribing to The Single Shot Exchange. For a preview of the kind of articles you can expect, please browse our site. You won’t be disappointed.
Lee Shaver, Publisher
The Single Shot Exchange Magazine