1 Year Subscription (Digital Only) – Single Shot Exchange



1 Year Subscription (Digital Only)


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Read it first! With this option, you have access to the digital version of each monthly issue starting on the 1st of the month. Be the first to see the new classifieds and read the technical articles and stories each month!



A 1-year subscription, U.S. is $29.99 which consists of 12 monthly issues (Digital access only).


With your subscription and for each time you renew, you receive a FREE 50-word classified ad (a $15.95 value)! To take advantage of this offer, see the note below.


Renewals: Follow steps as above. In the PayPal “Add Special Instructions to My Order” payment section, indicate that your order is a renewal.


Gift Subscriptions: Follow instructions for ordering a subscription. During the PayPal check-out when prompted for shipping address enter the recipient’s address instead of yours.


In the “Add Special Instructions to My Order” payment section, indicate that your order is a gift. If you’d like us to write a note to the recipient indicating the subscription is a gift from you, please let us know as well.


My FREE 50-Word Ad: Send us an email at editor@singleshotexchange.com with your free 50-word ad. Indicate if it is a “For Sale” or a “Wanted” ad.


You may request one free sample issue. Simply send us an email with your request at editor@singleshotexchange.com.


(Your privacy is protected; we do not sell mailing lists or share any of your subscription billing information.)